
DEVIL IN A FANCY DRESS: A Random Acts Premiere

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Channel 4's Random Acts and their brand of brilliantly offbeat shorts are back, and we're hosting an exclusive premiere.

Random Acts is back! **Channel 4’s late night, post-pub serving of the world’s craziest, most creative and straight up uncategorizable short films returns for a third series, this year curated and hosted by Fresh Meat’s Zawe Ashton**. And we’re pleased to be exclusively premiering a whole batch before they hit the air.

We’re hosting Devil In A Fancy Dress**a five part web-series from poet-cum-comic-cum-podcaster Ross Sutherland and New York-based, TISCH-alum animators, the Kloster Brothers**. Join Ross’s crayoned alter-ego on a crawl through five house parties, styling out an eclectic array of themes, failing (and occasionally succeeding) on the chirpse and facing off against his fancy dress nemesis. Dive in before it’s on-air premiere at midnight on Monday 18th September, over on C4.

“It says, ‘is that a nipple? I hadn’t even noticed.’”

Party #1. The theme: Toga. Meet Dave.

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“8 Kings, 5 King Kong’s, 2 King Kong Bundy’s.”

Party #2. The theme: the letter K. Kanye and Kate Middleton have already copped off, and Kris Kristofferson is making moves on Kubrick.

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“At the stroke of midnight, one Frank turns up. He. Is. Mobbed.”

Party #3. The theme: Pat Butcher. The costume jewellery’s a-flowing.

<iframe allowfullscreen=”” frameborder=”0” height=”315” src=”” width=”560”></iframe>“My God, is everything I know about 20th century Mexican politics a complete and utter lie?”

Party #4. The theme: The Adversaries of General Victoriano Huerta. Tequila and revolutionary politics a drunk epiphany do make.

<iframe allowfullscreen=”” frameborder=”0” height=”315” src=”” width=”560”></iframe>“The decor is Dave. The music is Dave. The only topic of conversation? Dave.”

Party #5. The theme: Dave. Dave. Must. Fail.

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