FeaturedNew Shorts

NEW SHORTS: Femmes Fantastiques

16:00 Sat 10 Jan 2015

Hackney Picturehouse, Screen 3

A selection of short dramas that bring us femmes with attitude, whether a pissed off barmaid in WYLD, an older lady who wants to let her hair down away from the stuffy confines of family in A MOMENT TO MOVE, or an ex-con trying to get back into life in OUR UNFENCED COUNTRY.

(107 min)


    Georgia Parris 19 mins (, 2014)

    Martha is an older woman, and she's feeling it, but she's not ready to adhere to a stereotype just yet. Problem is, she comes to that realisation on the day of her daughter's wedding. Turning the spotlight on the middle aged mother of the bride, women don’t disappear just because they reach 'a certain age'.

    Emma Croft 11 mins (, 2014)

    Concealing the full truth can sometimes be an act of grace, and honest hearts can be found where they are not expected. In a North London café, a woman is confronted by about her actions, but the blame may lie elsewhere. See what you want to see…

    Jane Devoy 12 mins (, 2014)

    Melanie, 40-something, wants a baby. Her actor boyfriend, Andy, is reluctant. At a bohemian tarts and vicars party, matters come to a head with the arrival of Melanie’s old friend, Danny, and an opportunity for Melanie to take matters into her own hands. A quirky, poignant story of the dreams and fears surrounding modern parenthood set in contemporary East London.

    Niamh Heery 18 mins (, 2014)

    Edward is an elderly bog railway worker, in love with the myth and literature of the bog. Shauna, a bright, tough and stubborn young woman starts work as his new Prison Release Apprentice. Working on the narrow gauge railways that traverse the expansive, historic bogs of Ireland, trying to traverse the rough terrain of such an unlikely friendship, both Shauna and Edward begin to realise that to find a future, they must get over their respective pasts.

    Stephen Harris 12 mins (, 2014)

    A day in the life of Kim, a young woman staying at a hotel, has an opportunity for a job promotion. But when her interview does not go according to plan she begins and ultimately struggles to face up to a more important personal issue she has been keeping from her family.

    Lucien Clayton 10 mins (, 2014)

    During an argument, Tom's told by his girlfriend Amanda to shut up. He does so - determined never to talk to her again. Until she takes things too far…

    Cecilia Stenbom 11 mins (, 2014)

    SYSTEM is set inside a shopping centre and follows the interactions between two sisters; one anxious about her personal safety, the other concerned with the invisible threat of infection. The sterile atmosphere quickly becomes menacing as the women’s personal safety systems begin to fail. The screenplay is based on interviews with people about everyday behaviours and habits in public space.
  • WYLD

    Rory Alexander Stewart 14 mins (, 2014)

    Julie, a young barmaid, is forced to work the long shift alone in a dockland pub. After a heated incident with her unpredictable and temperamental friend Jenna almost ends in violence she is forced to decide between the responsibilities of her somewhat tranquil work life and the exciting but often explosive relationships of her roots.