New Shorts

NEW SHORTS: God's Lonely Men: Under Attack

18:30 Tue 12 Jan 2016

Hackney Picturehouse (screen TBC)

In the 21st century, the male of the species is constantly being attacked from all sides, told to move with the times yet remain a macho role model. These men deal with life in their own independent ways.

Film running order:

KITTIWAKES Iain Mitchell 13 mins

RESPITE Adriano Cirulli 20 mins

OUT OF SIGHT Nick Rowland 27 mins

A SHORT GUIDE TO RE-ENTRY Anwar Boulifa 15 mins

A CONFESSION Petros Silvestros 9 mins

DILIP’S CASTLE Manos Ioannou 19 mins

103 mins


    Petros Silvestros 9 mins (UK, 2015)

    A mysterious and damaged young man must confess a terrible sin. What he reveals to the warm hearted priest resonates way beyond the confines of the Church - calling into question a relationship that has lasted over 1500 years.

    Anwar Boulifa 15 mins (UK, 2015)

    KHALID is released from prison, he's told that he needs a job and a place in society, but fitting in to the system isn't always as easy as you are told.

    Manos Ioannou 19 mins (UK, 2015)

    Dilip’s Castle is the story of Sidney. He runs away from home after he finds out that his wife had an affair. Already on a destructive path, treading through the night, he discovers that what lurks in the dark is far worse than infidelity.

    Iain Mitchell 13 mins (UK, 2015)

    Under cover of dark, an out or work trawlerman attempts to plunder scrap metal from a derelict sea fort, enlisting the help of a young welder, but isolated and out at sea, the stakes are much higher than either of them could realise…

    Nick Rowland 27 mins (UK, 2015)

    In a bid to clear a debt with a loan shark, Martin, a recovered drug addict, agrees to lock a stranger in his spare room while they go cold turkey. As the days go on, Martin begins to suspect something far worse is at play, but his judgment is clouded by temptations to fall back into old habits.

    Adriano Cirulli 20 mins (UK, 2015)

    Who needs a home and family when you've got four wheels? A man leads an organized life. He jogs each morning, works in the office nine to five, picks up the laundry once a week. True, he lives in his car, and he hasn’t seen his wife and daughter for a while. But don’t we all need a little break from the world every so often? Part character study, part road movie, Respite is the atmospheric story of a modern‐day hermit.