Industry Events
INDUSTRY: Guardian Docs Presents: Pitching Session
16:00 Mon 9 Jan 2017
Hackney Attic
The Guardian’s documentary commissioning strand is offering LSFF documentary filmmakers the chance to create a documentary of 20 minutes or under for one of the world’s most visited English language news websites. We’re looking for great original stories on contemporary global subjects. If you’ve got an idea for a short documentary that could work for the Guardian, please send an email to pitch@shortfilms.org.uk (with ‘Guardian’ on the subject) for a chance to pitch it to Charlie Phillips, Head of Documentaries at the Guardian, during the session. For those who don’t want to pitch in, do join us for the event!
Tickets £6
Week Pass: bit.ly/LSFFIndustry2017
Monday Day Pass: bit.ly/LSFFIndMon