WORK, dir. Aneil Karia
CompetitionNew Shorts

COMPETITION: Skin Thick, Too Tough

18:30 Wed 17 Jan 2018

Curzon Soho Curzon Soho

How do you deal with the shit life throws at you? Are we prepared for those difficult situations that come from unexpected angles? What doesn’t break you makes you stronger; these powerful shorts take us from the refugee camp in Calais, to the tough streets of Athens as a young Palestinian tries to survive, to the so-called hate-preachers hounded by the British media. 93 mins

This competition programme also screens at Rich Mix on Saturday 13th January

Curzon Soho

99 Shaftesbury Avenue
Peak Adult £16.90 / Off-peak Adult £12.50 / Concessions available


Please find all access information here, or drop a line to Helen MacKenzie at for more information or special requests.


    Aegina Brahim 17 mins (UK, 2017)

    Zeola is a single mother whose life alternates between her job as a prison guard and her career as a football referee in the men’s league.
  • WORK

    Jon Ratigan 4 mins (, 2014)

    A masked, unemployed man reflects on his hopeless failure to find work and seems only to find solace in fragmented memories which struggle to assert themselves. In Work, seemingly innocuous objects and sounds- matches, pomegranates, a joke plate wobbler, flamenco dancers conspire with nervous, faltering energy to build a cine-poem around the themes of emasculation, anxiety and memory.

    Mahdi Fleifel 15 mins (UK, 2017)

    Alone and far from home, The Kid makes his way through a strange city looking for the means to get through his day. Surrounded by predators he is forced to make compromises merely to survive, his life of exile grows one day longer.

    Kate Stonehill 23 mins (UK, 2017)

    In a British government press release calling for universities to do more to tackle extremism, the Prime Minister’s Office identified ‘radical’ speakers who have expressed views that are ‘contrary to British values’ and who should therefore be silenced. Unspeakable is a hybrid documentary that tells the stories of three of these men.

    Clive Shaw 4 mins (UK, 2012)

    A story of survival and dependency set in the arctic. What makes a home and how do we react when that home is threatened?

    Vika Evdokimenko 17 mins (UK, 2017)

    13 year old Aamir is stranded alone in the largest unofficial refugee camp in Europe. When he is befriended by Katlyn, a thinly stretched volunteer, she becomes Aamir's last hope for salvation.