Special Events


19:00 Thu 18 Jan 2018

Moth Club Moth Club

Know what yer docs were always missing? Pop.

Pop Doc**n. An experimental new genre of music video-cum-documentary bridging the conventions of each, where song acts as score and/or documentary becomes visuals. Join Doc HeadsTristan C. Anderson as he showcases the best new Pop Docs from around the world and screens exclusive films from Soundtracks**, the world’s first music video documentary album.

Django Django: “WOR” [Director Jim Demuth]
Tristan C. Anderson: ”Love & Hate Or Believe” [Director Matt Kay] 
Oh Wonder”All We Do” | ”What Does It Mean To Be Human?” [Director Mike Lee Thomas]
Tristan C. Anderson: ”Minerals” [Director Paul Reson]
Orfan: “Return“ [Director Ted Beagles]
Tristan C. Anderson: “See The World“ [Director  Chris Purcell]

Moth Club

Old Trades Hall, Valette Street
E9 6NU
020 8985 7963