THRIVE, Dir. Jamie Di Spirito
New Shorts

NEW SHORTS: Fringe! Lovers and Fighters

20:30 Wed 15 Jan 2020

Regent Street Cinema

Who says you can’t be a bit of both? The tingle of arousal may give way to intimacy, shock, deep satisfaction, or a punch to the face in these queer and questioning visions of desire, identity and summoning the power within. Programmed by Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Festival. 95’

This programme contains blood, discussions of non-consent, nudity and sexual content.

Regent Street Cinema

309 Regent St, Marylebone
0207 911 5050
Adult £12 / Concessions £11


Please find all access information here, or drop a line to Helen MacKenzie at for more information or special requests.


    Popo Fan 15 mins (CN, 2019)

    Floss is a story about love, fetish and interpersonal communication. Would you tell your partner about a fetish of yours that you feel ashamed of?

    Jamie Di Spirito 17 mins (UK, 2019)

    A hook-up between two young men - they make a connection, but it quickly becomes apparent they're looking for different things.

    Anette Sidor 15 mins (, 2018)

    On a night out with friends, Alice steals a strap-on and challenges her boyfriend's conceptions about gender and sexual agency, while exploring her own identity.

    Artemis Anastasiadou 20 mins (, 2019)

    Caught among toxic masculinity, a sequin dress and a teenage crush, a teen skater, growing up in rural Texas. A film about being an alien in your home, your peers, your body, your gender; about rushing towards love, and making mistakes, and finding the courage to look honestly at yourself.

    Marion Renard 18 mins (, 2018)

    A teenage girl finds she undergoes a startling transformation during a first sexual encounter... but pershaps she is not alone in this gender swap.

    Youssef Youssef 7 mins (, 2018)

    A pink-hued vision of three people living freely in their gender and sexuality, intertwined with a reflection on the courage to be oneself.